
Big Boy Pants and the Homerun Derby

Thanks, Target, for selling your summer stuff at 30% off.
Ikaika tends to get into whatever sports are on TV. A few months ago, we couldn't pry him away from his basketball hoop, a few weeks ago it was "soccer ball!" everything, and right now it's baseball.

He's been improvising and using various household things as a "bat" (bolster pillows, parts of other toys, spoons, etc.) so you can't even imagine his excitement at having the real deal.  We didn't even make it out of the Target parking lot - we set up the tee next to the carts and let him have at it.

I like this bat because it has substantial weight to it, unlike the oversize plastic ones.  But, it's padded and soft enough that he can't cause too much damage.

You may also notice that he's wearing some big boy pants!  I got the smallest size available (2-3) and they are a little large, even on his stouty frame.  We've been doing well enough these last few days that I'm willing to take a limited leap of faith.  Today, he even stopped mid-tantrum because he realized he needed to poop.  Hilarious!

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