
Koa "6 month" Check Up


This morning Mr A and I had a serious talk about switching Koa to formula.  I've been breastfeeding lady all the way - but lately, Koa has been fussy and not wanting to nurse.  Tearing at me, pinching, fussing.  I'll nurse him and 30 minutes later someone is saying "I think he's hungry".  So what's the deal?  I was suspecting that I'm not making enough milk.  I've lost a lot of weight quickly with him (with Ikaika the lbs stayed around longer) and maybe the that's contributing to my dry spell.  I would prefer to breastfeed him - but is it worth trying to bring up my milk production when he's only going to nurse for another 3 months?

So today at the doctor my suspicions were confirmed.  Koa has lost 4oz (now 15lbs 11oz) and hes only 26".  His head is still growing normally, so that's good because that means his brain is growing.  But his weight is only in the 5th percentile and that is alarming to me.  He's been eating solid food 2-3 times a day but now I am going to start giving him a bottle 3-4 times a day, too.  I might continue to try nursing him in the morning and at night and he can just get out of it whatever is in there.

He also got two immunizations this morning.  I applied for the boys to attend Tutu & Me, a twice weekly "preschool" that meets for two hours at a church in town.  It's more like a play group because I would be with them the whole time, but it sounded like a lot of fun.  I just need to get them somewhat caught up on their shots before we can start.

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