
Study Skills: Organizing Your Time Effectively

Studying is difficult when parenting a small child. Getting anything done is difficult, but studying is particularly challenging because it requires a systematic approach and a focused routine - things that typically dont jive with a toddler.

Mr A is taking the PRAXIS in January and needs to pass on the first try. In my (professional) opinion, this is going to require diligent preparation and a consistent study plan. Behold, my study guide!

I organized important dates, reading goals, practice tests and everything else so he has attainable daily goals. In theory, this should take about 10-20 minutes a night. Its color coded, too. How fancy!

A calendar like this takes a larger goal (passing the PRAXIS) and breaks it down into daily goals (Read pages 10-22) that move you towards the larger goal. The key is to make the daily goals something that you can realistically finish during the day. Some things a format like this would work for:
  • Diets/exercise plans
  • Home based business
  • Christmas shopping/decorating
  • Party Planning (weddings, baby showers, etc)
  • Children's study schedules


  1. Wow! Way to go!!!!!

  2. I definitely needed a study plan! I just get so distracted studying at home, and heading somewhere else... like say the library just doesn't work when you have kids at home.

    Unfortunately my GRE is next Tuesday. I'm already OK with the fact that I may need to take it more than once. Then next time, I'll have you make a calendar for me!
