Im hesitant to write about any sort of "ideas" or "plans" I might have for child-rearing, less they dont work out and I end up looking like I *gasp* have no clue what Im doing! Im also self conscious about coming across as the naive first-time mother. But, for the sake of showing off my sewing prowess, Im willing to break the seal here tonight. Lucky you.
Ive put quite a bit of thought into babys fecal matter. What am I going to do with all of it? How will I afford to do anything with it? How many hours out of the day am I willing to spend with it? And so on and so on.
Anyone who knows my deep and undying love of the Diva Cup could probably have seen the cloth diapers coming from a mile away. Fortunately, Mr A did cloth before so that makes our decision a little less burdensome.
People think cloth is going to save them money. Maybe in the long run it will - I dont know and Im unwilling to do the math. All I know is that to buy a stash of Fuzzi Bunz (the Cadillac of cloth diapers) would set you back $15 per diaper! And they come in 4 different sizes! Yikes. A diaper service is great but runs about $70+ a month! Thats more than internet service! Yikes. Even a good sized stash of used dipes will clock in at around $150. I thought the $30 for my Diva Cup was an investment!
Im willing to make a financial committment to cloth diapering, but not until I figure out if this is really going to work for us.
Enter: my sewing machine.
First, I found Frugal Diapering online. Then I found a bag of leftover scraps from Mr As Christmas T-shirt Quilt. Then I found some time on a lazy Monday night (post-work, pre-Olympics).

I made two cloth diapers (newborn sized, 14") and seven wipes for FREE! Its funny because I have absolutely NO way of proving that these work at the moment. But Im still proud of myself.
Next, Im going to make the stuffable prefold and some soakers because these dipes are quite thick and I can see why it would be nice to have CDs with fast-drying capabilities.
The wipes are meant to be used with a spray bottle full of:
2.25 C Water
2 Tbs Shaklee (or any) Baby Wash/Shampoo
1 Tbs Baby Oil
Spray & Wipe. Nothin' to it.

I also got three used but cute diaper wraps. Theres a little bit of staining but who cares? Babys just going to poop in it anyway.
The two with patterns are 100% organic cotton and SO adorable! Best part is they were A DOLLAR EACH! I know, I kick ass.

By the way -BETH- worry not. The post on bucket training will be coming shortly.
Are you sure they are really organic cotton? Or perhaps they only printed organic on it to make you think it's organic????