Mr A flew to
O'ahu for a funeral in May. Upon returning home he pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pocket, smoothed it out on the counter and said, "can you do this?" It was an article from the
in flight magazine that was highlighting some of the new Aloha wear designers in Hawaii. The photograph was of a man and a boy (father/son?) sitting on a wall (or a jetty?) wearing matching aloha shirts. The design was really nice, a subdued maroon color with white
silhouettes of people racing canoes. It was kind of cute that Mr A was so touched by this picture from a magazine. In fact, I wish I could find it so I could post it here. I hung it on the fridge/inspiration board but took it down one day and now its missing. I tried to google for something similar but all the results for "matching aloha shirts" were
expectedly cheezy.
Anyhow, so this project has been on my mind for awhile. The other week while we were down in
Kona I found a fabric
remnant that was almost 3 yards! And Mr A considered the design to be acceptable. This is the print and I already have the pattern. Now I just need the motivation to actually sit down at my sewing machine and bust it out!

Yeah! Bust it out!!