My sister and her now-husband are dedicated members of "The Brew Crew", a league of devoted Milwaukee Brewers fans. They dont go to all the games, but they try to make a few every season. They do DVR every game.
So they took all of us to Miller Park and we tailgated before the game. We grilled brats, drank beers, played bean bag toss, and sat in folding chairs.

During the game we were sitting out in left field and then sun was BEATING down on us. Soooo hot! My mom took the baby to the upper deck and stood with him inside the stadium where it was actually quite cool.

Mr A debated taking his shirt off but we were sitting in front of this guy (see picture and look behind us) ...so with the help of the visual, he decided it probably wasnt a good idea.

We were really excited to see the "racing sausages". Between the top and bottom of the 6th inning (I think), these guys in sausage suits (theres chirizo, hot dog, bratwurst, etc.) run around the bases. Beth and Ethan started getting Ickey a little stuffed racing sausage every year when they go to watch Brewers training camp, so I was pumped to see the real deal in action!

Obviously not the real sausages. These guys are from the kids park area.
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